UNITE services both the transport and building industries. We have a proud record of risk management and an extremely low lost time injury (LTI) frequency rate.
We have an established, effective and active Health and Safety team with members who operate throughout the business. The team meets biweekly illustrating our commitment to ensuring our workplace and tasks are safe for all our employees. All new UNITE staff are inducted into our Health and Safety plan including a number of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which we consider to be vital to performing all of our daily tasks in a safe manner. UNITE SOPs are reviewed annually, changed when required and all staff are educated on amendments.
All UNITE drivers complete the Site Safe Access Card (Passport) Course as part of their induction and all crane truck operators complete the NZQA Unit Standard 16617.
We have a web-based Health and Safety software package that allows us to track each staff member’s induction, training accreditations and upcoming training requirements. We are able to access all staff Health and Safety data at any point in time.
UNITE has a current Operator Rating of four stars (Good Level of Compliance) and we are currently working towards an ACC Tertiary accreditation.